Requirements for Rushes: Attend all chapter meetings (allowed one unexcused absence after rush period). Attend all socials during this semester (allowed one unexcused absence after rush period). Attend interview for bid. Pass PAD membership test. Attend inductions (March 7. Attend retreat (February 25) and semi-formal (April 8). Fulfill Community Service Requirement(s) by April 30th. Dues: $50 per semester; one-time fee of $70 to PAD International.
Active Members: Attend all chapter meetings (allowed one unexcused absence). Attend five socials. Attend inductions (March 7). Attend retreat (February 25) and semi-formal (April 8). Fulfill Community Service Requirement(s) before April 30. Dues: $50 per semester.
Semi-Active Members: Attend two chapter meetings. Attend three socials. Attend inductions (March 7). Attend either retreat (February 25) or semi-formal (April 8). Participate in two community service activities before April 30. One of these must be a PAD-sponsored activity. Dues: $30 per semester.
Miscellaneous: When we have a speaker, dress will be business casual or business formal. Please do not arrive late or leave early when we have a speaker. RSVP to all events on the website ( Excessive unexcused absences will result in fees and possible dismissal from PAD. Be sure to sign the attendance sheet at every event you attend. Failure to pay dues by February 25 will result in late fees and possible dismissal from PAD. You may only be semi-active/inactive for two semesters.